Category: Counseling and Soul Care
Daily Affirmations
In the Bible, God has given us answers to life’s fundamental questions: Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going? If you believe that Jesus is the Christ, state these affirmations daily and see how your perspective changes.
Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America
This is a summary overview of a February 17, 2024 seminar I attended at Cornerstone Community Church in Ames, Iowa entitled “Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America, given by Trevin Wax. Trevin is Vice President of Research and Resource Development at the North American Mission Board (of the Great Commission Baptists) and a…
Achieving Unity in a Broken World
In the 1970s, idealistic youth sought peace, love, and unity amid protests against the Vietnam War. This optimism later gave way to disillusionment. Real and lasting unity can only be found in heart transformation from Christ. And we must pursue unity through love, humility, patience, and conflict resolution.
Is Edge Venture Biblical?
Unlike most men’s retreats, which emphasize Bible teaching in a classroom-like setting, Edge Venture incorporates processes that connect men with their emotions and hearts. But is this approach biblical?
Romans 7 Refers to a Man Under the Law, Not a Man Under Grace
Romans 7:14-25 refer to a man attempting to serve God under the law of Moses (Torah), not to a man under grace and serving in the “way of the Spirit.”
What is the Flesh?
My thoughts on the way that Paul uses the word “flesh” as used by Paul in Galatians 5, 1 Corinthians 3, Romans 7 and a few other places.
Why Women Leave Men
Many years ago, while speaking at a couples conference, my friend and comrade Brent Knox talked about the biggest mistake that men make in marriage–we are too passive. We tend to procrastinate, avoid, shirk our responsibilities, and revert to being little boys. We fail to move towards our women and families with the leadership, interest,…