Category: Theology
Mechanisms Behind the Ice Age
Here is a video giving the most reasonable explanation for the Ice Age that I’ve ever encountered. Absolutely fascinating! The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Worry About Climate Change
Radically Changed
This is the story of how my life was radically changed when I understood the good news about Jesus and believed in Him.
The Kingdom Parables
In contrast to the anticipated dramatic arrival of a warrior Messiah-King, Jesus revealed through parables that the Kingdom would unfold in two distinct phases. Understanding this dual-phase kingdom is crucial for believing that Jesus is the Messiah.
Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America
This is a summary overview of a February 17, 2024 seminar I attended at Cornerstone Community Church in Ames, Iowa entitled “Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America, given by Trevin Wax. Trevin is Vice President of Research and Resource Development at the North American Mission Board (of the Great Commission Baptists) and a…
Debate between Molinism and Calvinism
Here’s a very instructive debate fairly calmly argued with mutual respect. My take is that James White doesn’t really understand Molinism and doesn’t stick to the subject–which perspective best explains the existence of evil.
Is God a Genocidal Monster?
I’d like to address a common accusation against the God of the Bible—that He is moral monster because He commanded the Israelites to commit genocide.
The Duration of Hell
I present seven Biblical truths about the ultimate destiny of those who reject God. Then I examine seven challenges to the idea that hell is eternal.