Category: Other Theology
Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America
This is a summary overview of a February 17, 2024 seminar I attended at Cornerstone Community Church in Ames, Iowa entitled “Four Challenges Facing the Western Church in America, given by Trevin Wax. Trevin is Vice President of Research and Resource Development at the North American Mission Board (of the Great Commission Baptists) and a…
The Duration of Hell
I present seven Biblical truths about the ultimate destiny of those who reject God. Then I examine seven challenges to the idea that hell is eternal.
This small booklet looks at the gift of tongues in the Bible and examines its nature and purpose. TONGUES
Church Judgments
© 2007 Great Commission Churches Pastor David Bovenmyer, Ames, IA 1. What is a church judgment? A church judgment is what has often been called “church discipline.” According to Webster’s, the word “discipline” refers to training that develops self-control, character, or orderliness and efficiency.” It can also refer to “correction, chastisement, or punishment inflicted by…
Grace, Works, and Lordship
In this paper I establish the scriptural teaching of salvation by grace apart from works and then discuss several issues concerning “lordship salvation”) 1) does a person have to acknowledge Jesus as his personal Lord, or can he first accept Jesus as Savior and later as Lord? 2) Is it necessary to “repent” to be…
An Evaluation of the Prosperity Gospel
Prosperity theology is not confined to a denomination or a tradition, but is a many-faceted movement that has infiltrated much of modern-day Christianity. . .Advocates of the prosperity gospel claim that God wants all believers to be materially prosperous and free from sickness. Thus if a believer is poor or sick, he is outside the…
The Doctrine of Hell
So, what of the doctrine of hell? Will hell be anywhere similar to Dante’s imagination of it? Does the Bible teach a literal hell with eternal torment, or is the idea of hell a fiction produced by the overzealous imagination of the medieval church? If the Bible teaches such a place of eternal torment, would…