Category: Reasons for Faith
Radically Changed
This is the story of how my life was radically changed when I understood the good news about Jesus and believed in Him.
Is God a Genocidal Monster?
I’d like to address a common accusation against the God of the Bible—that He is moral monster because He commanded the Israelites to commit genocide.
Random Origin of Life is Impossible
The impossibility of proteins forming by chance in our universe is the little-talked-about Achilles heel of the idea that life arose by random processes. The emperor has no clothes, folks! There is, indeed, intelligence in life and there is, indeed, an intelligent designer.
Creation and the Genesis Account
The approach of this paper will be to defend what the Scripture teaches about creation and the origin of all things, especially at points where culture is pressing against the teaching of Scripture. Particularly, it will address attempts to harmonize the creation account with modern scientific scenarios and will advocate a straightforward reading of Genesis…