Equipping for Life and Leadership

Providing resources to help you know and love God, grow to maturity, heal past wounds, and become equipped to lead.


  • Here’s a very instructive debate fairly calmly argued with mutual respect. My take is that James White doesn’t really understand Molinism and doesn’t stick to the subject–which perspective best explains the existence of evil.

  • Looking for purpose and fulfillment in all the wrong places, I turned to God, reconsidered Jesus, and my life was radically changed.

  • I’d like to address a common accusation against the God of the Bible—that He is moral monster because He commanded the Israelites to commit genocide.

  • I present seven Biblical truths about the ultimate destiny of those who reject God. Then I examine seven challenges to the idea that hell is eternal.

  • Unlike most men’s retreats, which emphasize Bible teaching in a classroom-like setting, Edge Venture incorporates processes that connect men with their emotions and hearts. But is this approach biblical?

  • Slides and Notes from Faithwalkers 2016 Seminar “Just Stop It”

  • These are my observations on Romans 9 as presented at a seminar in June 2010.

  • Romans 7:14-25 refer to a man attempting to serve God under the law of Moses (Torah), not to a man under grace and serving in the “way of the Spirit.”

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About the author

Renew Ministry addresses hurts, habits, and hangups and brings change from the inside out.

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