Recommended Reading for Care Givers

This is a list of books that I have read and would recommend for care givers, although I do not recommend everything in them. They are listed in no particular order

The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Dan B Allender

Bold Love by Dan B Allender, & Tremper Longman

Draw Close To The Fire: Finding God In The Darkness by Terry H. Wardle

Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin by Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Emotionally Healthy Church, The by Peter Scazzero and Warren Bird

Listening for heaven’s sake : building healthy relationships with God, self, and others, by Anne Clippard, David W. Ping, and Gary R. Sweeten

Faithful Feelings: Rethinking Emotion in the New Testament by Matthew A. Elliott

Spiritual Emotions: A Psychology of Christian Virtues by Robert C. Roberts

Knowing the Face of God: Deepening Your Personal Relationship with God by Tim Stafford

Inside Out by Lawrence J. Crabb

Understanding People by Larry Crabb

Healing Care, Healing Prayer: Helping the Broken Find Wholeness in Christ by Terry Wardle

Uncovering the Mystery of MPD by James G. Friesen

The Life Model: Living from the heart Jesus gave you by James G. Friesen, E. James Wilder, Anne M. Bierling, and Rick Koepcke

Healing Life’s Hurts Through Theophostic Prayer: Let The Light Of Christ Set You Free From Lifelong Fears, Shame, False Guilt, Anxiety And Emotional Pain by Edward M. Smith

Theophostic Prayer Ministry Basic Seminar Manual 2007 by Edward M. Smith

Marriage Takes More Than Love by Carole Mayhall and Jack Mayhall

His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage by Willard F. Harley Jr.

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs by Emerson Eggerichs

If Only He Knew: What No Woman Can Resist by Gary Smalley and Norma Smalley

Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp


3 responses to “Recommended Reading for Care Givers”

  1. Mr. Bovenmyer, I was particularly interested in reading many of the book’s you referred to, in particular the one by Timothy Keller, “Puritan Resources For Biblical Counseling” could you perhaps tell me where to find it? Also, I was wondering if you’ve personally put together any sort of counseling curriculum or if you endorse any specific “method” of counseling.

  2. DaveBovenmyer Avatar


    Keller’s article is available here:, but you have to purchase the archives of the journal, which range from $85 to $120 depending on the years purchased. I’ve not read Keller’s article myself nor purchased these archives, although it is tempting to do so.

    A very brief summary of Keller’s article can be found at

    A friend also gave me the following list of books as examples of the work of the Puritans in psychology. I’ve not read them either

    A Treatise of the Soul, Volume 6: The Works of Edward Reynolds
    Edward Reynolds / Soli Deo Gloria / 1996

    A Treatise on Earthly-Mindedness
    Jeremiah Burroughs / Soli Deo Gloria / 1991

    Satan’s Temptations (A Treatise on)
    Richard Gilpin / Soli Deo Gloria

    The Case and Cure of a Deserted Soul
    Joseph Symonds / Soli Deo Gloria

    Also, several sermons by Richard Baxter that are available at look interesting, including Directions for Grief, The Sinfulness of Flesh Pleasing, The Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow, Directions against Sinful Fear and others.

    Lastly, Jonathan Edwards Treatise on Religious Affections is available at

  3. Thanks for the info, will check into it!

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